Lift Every Voice and Lead Toolkit: A Community Leader’s Advocacy Resource for K-12 Education

UNCF offers tools and resources for community leaders and parents, to help them support a college-going culture.

With only seven percent of Black students performing at or above proficient on the 12th grade math NAEP exam in 2015, compared with 32 percent of White students—UNCF—the preeminent voice in African American education—continues to expand its efforts by providing tools and resources to support a college-going culture.

To help address this issue, UNCF offers Getting Into College: A Readiness Guide, a tool to support students as they explore the college-going journey and the Lift Every Voice and Lead Toolkit: A Community Leader’s Advocacy Resource for K-12 Education, for community leaders seeking to engage in the local K-12 education landscape. >> Read more here 

UNCF Getting into College Readiness Checklist PreviewGetting into College: A Readiness Guide Brochure

A useful guide for parents and others helping students on the path to college.

UNCF Community Leader's Advocacy Resource for K-12 Education Toolkit CoverDownload the full toolkit here








K-12 Advocacy Checklist Quick Guide Cover

10 tips for Community Engagement and Advocacy checklist preview

Social Media Infographic and K-12 Advocacy Checklist

The two documents provide 10 tips and tools that leaders may use and share with their networks to help further K-12 advocacy efforts. The infographic can be downloaded and used as a social media post. Leaders may use these documents to jump-start a new advocacy initiative or strengthen their current endeavors.






10 Tips for Engagement

10 tips for Community Engagement and Advocacy checklist document preview

This document provides 10 suggestions and tips that community leaders may use in their K-12 advocacy endeavors. Each suggestion also includes examples and a few important yet often overlooked items to consider when engaging in advocacy work.